Photo of a clipboard sitting on a crowded table filled with forms. On the clipboard is an information sheet showing acceptable forms of voter identification.

Get a Wisconsin voter ID

If you’re voting in Wisconsin, you will need documentation that proves your identity in order to receive a ballot. The address on your voter ID does not matter; the purpose of presenting your ID at the polls is to prove your identity.

If you plan to register to vote at the polls, you will also need documentation that proves your place of residence.

What forms of identification are accepted to vote?

Green solid checkbox.Acceptable forms of identification

  • A valid Wisconsin driver license or Wisconsin state ID
  • U.S. passport
  • U.S. Uniformed Services card
  • Veterans Affairs ID
  • Tribal ID
  • Certificate of naturalization
  • Students only: a free campus-issued voter ID card. See the Campus-issued voter ID section below for more information.

Solid red square with x at center.Not acceptable as forms of identification

  • Your Wiscard is not an acceptable form of voter identification.

What is a campus-issued voter ID?

You can use a campus-issued voter ID card to vote. (However, it cannot be used on its own to register to vote.)

Don’t wait until Election Day to get your card!

Print and sign a paper campus-issued voter ID

You must print and sign your downloaded campus-issued voter ID. Find available print stations here.

Download a campus-issued voter ID

Get a plastic campus-issued voter ID

Visit the Wiscard Office in Union South to get a plastic campus-issued voter ID.

Get a plastic campus-issued voter ID

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

How can I get a campus-issued voter ID on Election Day?

Yes! You can get a campus-issued voter ID on Election Day at the Wiscard Office or at any campus polling location.

When do campus-issued voter IDs expire?

Campus-issued voter IDs are valid until the expiration date printed on the card.

If your campus-issued voter ID card is expired, you can print a new one or present your expired ID at the polls together with proof that you are currently enrolled, such as a current student bus pass, course schedule or Voter Enrollment Verification letter.

Can I use a campus-issued voter ID to request an absentee ballot?


When requesting an absentee ballot at, the website will prompt you to upload a file of your signed ID.

Here’s what to do:

  • Option 1: Download your PDF voter ID from and open the file with Adobe Acrobat DC or Preview (Mac). Then use the fill and sign tool to fill the signature space on the ID.
  • Option 2: Download your PDF voter ID from Then print and sign the ID. Next, scan or take a photo of your ID to upload to

Does obtaining a campus-issued voter ID register me to vote?

No! Find out how to register to vote in Wisconsin or another state.

The BadgersVote Coalition is a non-partisan, educational initiative of the University of Wisconsin–Madison, whose mission is to equip students with the knowledge and resources necessary to be active participants in democracy.

For more information on Wisconsin elections and voting, visit the Wisconsin Elections Commission.